Holograms (Stickers) Manufacture Studies, & Sales

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  1. General Details

    Cavomit Undertakes the  Manufacturing and  Delivery
    of Registered Security Holograms Suitable for (Stickers)

    Tamper-evident hologram stickers are stickers which get destructed
    when their detachment is attempted.
    They can be either personalized bearing the name and/or the logo
    of the customer’s company or wallpaper bearing a generic image.
    They are often applied on medicin bottles or packages ensuring
    the product authentication.
    Numerous background options are available depending on what
    the customer desires.
    Also, serial numbering can be embodied in the hologram image.

    Tamper-evident hologram stickers can be used on
    various applications that need high security such as:

    Passport visas,
    Bank & Corporate cheques,
    Credit cards,
    Customs certificates,
    Insurance policies,
    Personal & travel documents,
    Contracts & Guarantees,
    Public notary deeds,
    Licences & Permits,
    Gift & Refund vouchers.

  2. Technical Specifications

  3. Contact Form

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