Holograms (Wallpapers) Manufacture Studies, & Sales

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  1. General Details

    Cavomit Holograms (Wallpapers) Manufacture Studies, & Sales

    Cavomit Undertakes the  Manufacturing and  Delivery of Registered Security
    Holograms Suitable for Various Uses.

    The distinguishing element between registered and non-registered holograms is whether
    the embossed images refer to a continuous pattern over the entire area of the foil roll,
    possibly in a repetitive order, often called wallpaper or generic image OR to specific
    registered images in both directions along and across the foil web.
    The non-registered (wallpaper) holograms can also be personalized bearing the name
    and/or logo of the customer’s company.

    The use of non-registered (wallpaper) holograms also provides product authentication
    and ensures data protection.
    They are widely used on tax banderolls for cigarettes
    and beverages. Other common uses are on:

    Passport visas,
    Bank & Corporate cheques,
    Customs certificates,
    Credit cards,
    Insurance policies,
    Personal & travel documents,
    Contracts & Guarantees,
    Public notary deeds,
    Licences & Permits,
    Gift & refund vouchers.

  2. Technical Specifications

  3. Contact Form

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