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LAPPI INDUSTRIAS GRAFICAS, Wine and beverage labels, Seville 1994, 2002
High-quality sophisticated labels for branded wines and spirit beverages of international acclaim are produced at
LAPPI INDUSTRIAS GRAFICAS, arguably one of the most reputable printing houses in this area of Spain.
A CAVOMIT HOLO@CYLINDER HEIDELBERG 56X77 cylinder press as well as platen equipment housed in a special section of their facilities are being used for the application of decorative foils. A second
CAVOMIT HOLO@CYLINDER HEIDELBERG 57X82 cylinder press was called in 2004 to serve increased demand and production bottlenecks.


COM-RELIEVE, Laminating & Print finishing, Barcelona 1995
COM-RELIEVE is one of the two most dynamic foiling companies in Spain with parallel packaging lamination activities and presence in the tobacco industries of Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Their extensive spectrum of foiling applications is matched by an equally wide range of hot-stamping equipment of all types and manufacture. Among this equipment, a CAVOMIT HOLO@CYLINDER HEIDELBERG 64X90 cylinder press with Jumbo-roll feeder is their only successful purchase for the application of registered holograms, also used for conventional decorative.


LABELGRAFIC INDUSTRIAS GRAFICAS, Wine and beverage labels, Logrono 1995
With modern printing equipment and facilities, LABELGRAPHIC INDUSTRIAS GRAFICAS manufacture quality wine and beverage labels at the famous wine-producing area of Rioja. From here, labels featuring decorative foils travel around the world. A CAVOMIT HOLO@CYLINDER HEIDELBERG 54X72 cylinder press is used for the application of such foils.


GRAFICAS VILLANUEVA y GARCIA, Wine and beverage labels, Jerez 1997
A traditional printing house in the wine producing area of Jerez, Artes Graficas COPISUR specialize in the production of quality labels for the local wine industry of international reputation. A CAVOMIT HOLO@CYLINDER HEIDELBERG 56X77 cylinder press is being used for the application of decorative foils.


LITOGRAFIA IMPRENTA MAAS, Wine and beverage labels, Valladolid 1997
Modern equipment at equivalent facilities are used by the LITOGRAFIA IMPRENTA MAAS for the production of wine and beverage labels in this historic traditional area of Spain. A CAVOMIT HOLO@CYLINDER HEIDELBERG 54X72 cylinder press is being used for the application of decorative foils.


SAAVEDRA y Cia, Packaging applications, Gran Canaria 1998
SAAVEDRA y Cia run some impressive printing facilities on the main island of Gran Canary specializing in packaging applications. Their involvement with the tobacco industry resulted in investing in a
CAVOMIT HOLO@CYLINDER HEIDELBERG 56X77 cylinder press for the application of decorative foils. Our participation in GRAPHISPAG 98 in Barcelona allowed them a ‘live’ comparison of competitive equipment from different manufacturers and their favour was placed upon our products soon after the show.

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