All posts by: paroukatos

About paroukatos


RDS S.A., Security printing, Buenos Aires 2012, 2013 The company RDS S.A. decided in 2012 to accquire three CAVOMIT HOLO STAMPER hot-stamping and hologram registration unit suitable for the authentication at the point-of-issue of certifications with the use of hot-stamped OVDs. One year later they accquired two more units. EUROCALCOGRAFICA, Security printing and system, 2015 […]

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BANQUE d’ ALGERIE, Security Printing, Algiers 2003 BANQUE d’ ALGERIE decided in 2003 to accquire one of the early models of the CAVOMIT HOLO STAMPER tabletop ot-stamping & hologram registration unit suitable for the authentication at the point-of-issue of certifications with the use of hot-stamped OVDs.

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ADEL PRINT - Arian Ilar, Security Printing, Tirana 2006 ADEL PRINT is a fast-growing privately owned security and commercial printing house based in Tirana, specializing in printing jobs for the developing local market. Their increasing involvement in state projects such as identity documents led them to the acquisition of a CAVOMIT HOLO CYLINDER HEIDELBERG 54X72 [...]
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